My icon says it all...

Mar 19, 2008 16:58

No really. I'm avoiding my homework and have decided to post.

In this post:
Fandomy goodness (Torchwood! I know, you're all shocked.)
Random psycho babble :]

1. Fandomy Goodness:
I've started watching Torchwood. I have seen the entire first season and found most of the second one on I think they are missing episodes seven and eight so if anyone knows of a good recap, I would greatly appreciate it if you nudged me in that direction.

A few things: Capt. Jack annoys me to no end. He reminds me of Tom Cruise. I hate Tom Cruise. Really. Anyway, Jack's exactly like that. The words "smarmy bastard" come to mind. I find his smile particularly annoying. I usually want to slap him... HOWEVER. I like him when he's kissing boys and not saying anything. I think that's what made me watch the second season; he was kissing boys pretty consistently in the last two episodes of season one. :]

OH MY GOD. JAMES MARSTERS! SQUEE! I AM TRULY A FANGIRL. CAPS LOCK, FTW. Ok, now that I have that out of my system... He acts remarkably like Spike. Seriously. He's all evil and cocky and totally in love with Jack anyway and has the sexy British accent. I could never get into watching him on Smallville because it just sounded so WRONG.

I like Gwen a whole lot. And Owen. And that Blonde chick in season one that gave Toshiko the thought reading necklas thing. Does anyone else think Owen is as pretty as I do?? <33

Anyway, you're all free to babble Torchwood in my direction now :]

2. Life:
School. Birth control. Periods. Arkansas... Woe is me.


Ok, I lied, it's really not all that bad. I've somehow come up with mad geometry skillz. I don't know how. It's kind of ridiculous. The rest kind of the school stuff kinda blows. Whatever.

I started Nuvaring last month and had morning sickness for a day. Which was odd. I thought I had the stomach flu. But otherwise good. It came out once. And er... My boyfriend and I were engaged in acts polite people do not talk about in public, so I blame him. *points* But no really. I recommend it. Who wants to take a pill everyday? Not me. And the Shot is just scary. Let's face it. Nuvaring is the way to go.

I was like, four days late this month which I had written off to my birthcontrol being wonky the first month- so I had kind of resigned myself to not getting it. But you know, silly Murphy had to be all like "Haha. Here ya go!". Rawr. It was a whole debocle today. Really. I had no tampons and had to go hunt some down and then my teacher yelled at me. What am I gonna say "Yeah, sorry, I just got my period and ruined my underwhere so I had to go find tampons." ?? No. Not happening. Meh. Over it.

I went to Ar-Kansas for Spring Break. You can all imagine how much fun that was. No internet. Horrible cell phone reception. Crazy grandparents. Yeah, no fun at all. I did watch the first season of Torchwood, though... And met this cute Farm Boy in the plane home. Mr. "I like to fish". So not my type, but totally fun to flirt with. My boyfriend just laughed at me. I love him to pieces. My boyfriend, not the farm boy.

3. Boys:

I have way too many of them after me. It's kind of a pain, really. Like, I know that's something you shouldn't bitch about and like, three months ago I wouldn't have... But really. I've found the boy I wanna be with forever and ever- or at least for a while. So then I feel bad that all these boys are like "But... You're cute. I'm cute. We should be cute on dates!" and I have to be like "Awe, thanks but no thanks. Here, go kiss my friend who is slightly less cute than me but still really sweet."

And my boyfriend is awesome. I luuurve him. He was Mr. I miss you!!! while I was gone and then Mr. I couldn't sleep the night before I saw him when I got home. And we went and played pool yesterday. Which was nice. I've kinda felt like we never went out and did anything so our relationship was kind of one dimentional and failing this winter just because it's been so hard to actually get out and do things, so it was nice to go out. And then we went back to his house and made out. :]

Oh. And I made crude comments alleging to fellatio in front of his friends when his junk fell asleep after I had been sitting on his lap for an extended period of time. :]

Oh oh. That strike. On the 21st. Yeah, I'm doing it. Read all about it here: beckyzoole :] Silly LiveJournal.

life, mr. eyebrows, fandomy goodness, ze boys, lj craziness

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