Fan fic survey + a rec of sorts...

Feb 26, 2008 23:32

Hmm, so they ask you to list your fandoms, favorite stories, and authors. There's only six spots for stories and you have to pick one from each fandom for the authors...

My pics, mostly just to give the authors a heads up I put you on this survey... and I'm too lazy to link. :]

Harry Potter:
Quality of Mercy - mistful
Drop Dead Gorgeous/The Way We Get - mistful
Phone sex arch - enchanted jae

and I put mistful as my favorite author, though I sincerely considered dripping-cherry for a bit. It was hard.

Temptation - vikingprincess
Strength In Numbers - thatotherperv
Decent - c_woodhaven

fave author was c_woodhaven because I luff her so!!

So yeah. That's the state of my fandom(s). Hahah, it's like State of the Union, only better... <3

fandomy goodness

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