Mary Sue and the tale of "complicated" Facebook statuses.

Feb 04, 2008 23:34

Once upon a time Mary Sue looked at her boyfriends Facebook and was shocked to see that his relationship status still said that "it was complicated." Mary Sue was under the impression that things weren't strictly that complicated any longer (even though they had been in the past); they were straight-forwardly dating and doing things that polite people never mention in public.

Mary Sue understood that there were people with access to her boyfriends Facebook that could never know that they were together as it would cause unnecessary tension. Never the less, Mary Sue thought that it should be at least recognized that her boy friend was "in a relationship" because "it's complicated" left way too much to interpretation and he was all hers, thank you very much. The line about "with" never crossed her mind as needing to be filled out.

Now Mary Sue wasn't one of those scary possessive girlfriends and would never try to do things to make her boyfriend uncomfortable. However, the fact still remained that she was slightly annoyed at the lack of any form of acknowledgment of their loving and devoted relationship. All Mary Sue wanted was a little form of public affection that everyone that did not know the couple well would never be explicitly aware of.

The current status of Mary Sues boyfriend's Facebook relationship is unknown, but rest assured that they continue to live happily ever after no matter what the status of his relationship is because Mary Sue is not an unreasonable person.

Mary Sue's relationship status is currently set to "in a relationship", though her boyfriend is not identified with the pesky "with" line.

writing, life, mr. eyebrows

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