You know you're all addicted to them too...

Oct 27, 2007 15:26

About a month ago my iPod broke. Through no fault of my own, mind you... But the last section on my headphone jack broke off inside the ipod. I had sound in one ear, but not the other so I took it to Geek Squad and they sent it off to Apple to be fixed, as mandated by the service warranty I paid an extra hundred dollars for when I bought it. I should say that my mother paid an extra hundred dollars when she bought it for me for Christmas... but whatever.

Because I am so addicted to music and start twitching if I don't have at least one head phone in my ears at all times, my mother loaned me her ipod until I got mine back. I lost it last Friday. Go figure. I have my ipod for two and a half years without any mishaps or misplacements besides the time my hard drive crashed and I had to take it to the Geeks to get it fixed... And I lose my mothers in two weeks. Lovely. I proceeded to look everywhere for my mothers iPod in the mean time, though to no avail.

Last Saturday I was out and about on that side of town with Joel and we went into Best Buy because we are geeks. I spoke to one of the Professional Geeks about my ipod and asked why it wasn't fixed yet. He told me to call in a week.

Today, a week later, I call. After waiting on hold for about half of eternity, the Geek tells me that Apple isn't going to fix my ipod because it wouldn't be worth it and I'm to come in and get a replacement. It occurs to me that they no longer make my model of iPod and I'll be getting a 80 gig in replacement for my 30. This makes me grin. It occurs to me that I might get cheated out of my money because my iPod wouldn't be worth as much and they'd give me a nano and send me on my way. However, I choose to look on the bright side and call my mother the good news.

I get bitched at and she's like "You essentially lost your iPod because I loaned you mine. Congratulations. You still won't have an iPod."

I turn my room upside down again looking for hers. I rant to Joel and cry a little. I call my mother to ask how much money I have (because she keeps it in her savings account). I'm short 150 bucks of buying her a new one. She tells me to save the tears and she will be home in a half an hour. The 150 bucks wouldn't be a big deal if I had a source of income. I do not. I don't have time for a job. I do six hours of homework every night and barely have time to eat.

And of course, my mother is still bitching at me because it's missing. Rawr.

/rant-sob story.

life, ipod

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