'Day of Lasts'

Mar 12, 2006 12:30

Today is a day of lasts... well today and yesterday.
Being my last day of work, last night was the last time my dad will ever pick me up from here and today is the last day he will ever have to give me a lift to this cruddy yet charming building.

Yesterday is also likely to be the last day I'd get to see many of my friends such as Neil, Kayliegh, Jodie, Dan, Robin ... yeah I'll even miss Robin plus the list goes on.

There are some 'lasts' that I wont miss though, foremost being talking to customers about their inane problems and teaching them how to use their own computers correctly.

Another thing I wont miss is the general state of grammar and English usage from certain agents here.
I'll post some examples of other peoples leaving messages to illustrate the point.

Last (see another last) but not least I will not miss the E-Mails like this sent out by a guy in this callcentre to the whole distribution list :

This is not a farewell email as such but more importantly an invitation to ISLAM and this is the greatest gift I can give you from the deepest of my heart. Many of you will know me, some of you people will like me and others with hate me for the ideas and thoughts I carry and for many I was just a stranger.

This is just the first paragraph there are a good number more 'inviting' me to this Islam party thing... should I be R.S.V.Ping???
Is it BYOB (‘Bring yer own Bible’?) and can I bring a friend?
I should have just deleted the E-Mail there and then and but I thought I'd give it a read and not judge it too quickly :

As I have discussed with many people here and will continue to discuss and convey the message of Islam to millions and billions as part and parcel of my life. Many here have sat and discussed many ideas and concepts that emanate from the Islamic creed and I thank you all for taking your time out and discussing and sharing your ideas and thoughts with me.

At least he's literate if you don’t mind the duplicate usage of words in a sentence.
Plus discussing your Religion isn't a crime so fair play. I myself continue to discuss and convey the message of my favourite comics, computer games and movies to anyone who wants to listen. :)

As we all exit ClientLogic one by one we MUST also remember one day we will exit this world and will be brought forth and the only religion, ideology, way of life that will be excepted will be ISLAM.

Wow... loss of friends and thoughts of death on the same day, if I join this Islam thing and happen to die before my membership card arrives what happens then?

Islam is a complete and divine way of life different from all other beliefs, customs and traditions. Islam is not like other religions; it provides answers to every problem that you could possibly face in your life, for you as an individual or for society. Islam elevates the human being from the worship of material things to the exclusive worship and obedience of Allah.

Maybe there could be some sort of system where if other religions wanted to obtain these answers you could send them some sort of fact sheet, share the love and all that. *shrugs* Just a suggestion. :)

Islam teaches that one should only become a Muslim through conviction after study and careful contemplation. The basis and foundation of Islam is not built upon blind faith or conjecture; in fact, any human being, after using their faculties of reason and senses, can easily arrive at the conclusion that Islam is the truth.

... this doesn't deserve it's own response, I'll lump it with the next paragraph's response ...

"How does one go about doing this?" you may ask. Well to start with, fundamentally any human being should ask the following questions, "Where did I come from?", "What am I here for (i.e. what is my true purpose and objective in this life?)", and lastly, "Where am I going to when I die?" As a necessity for life to continue, these questions must be answered as leaving them unanswered will inevitably drive you insane.

My first question was more along the lines of "Is the core of Islam religion really that it is the only true religion and that all other religions are wrong?". If there's one thing I can't stand in people and religions alike it's conceit. Conceit is in my mind a huge factor in most of mankind's (not the wrestler) follies.

As for going insane the trick is to settle temporarily on an answer that stops your brain from going haywire such as.

Q) Where did I come from?
A) My mum and dad did the nasty and I was the result.

Q) What am I here for?
A) Propogation of the human species, to be a symbol of your parents’ love, to ‘make phat dollar’... whatever it is for the individual.

Q) Where am I going to when I die?
A) Whether you use the same terms or not in general it will come down to one of three choices, Heaven, Hell or nowhere.

No one can know the answers to these questions and the human brain is quite good at protecting itself so will usually pick some answers that feel right at that time.
These tide you over till you come to other thoughts etc.
I'm sure lots of people go through life without concrete answers and stay relatively sane. :)

As a human being with a sane mind, you have the ability to think using your "faculties of reason" and the ability to taste, smell, touch, hear, and see with your senses which were given to you by Allah (God). By using these tools in the correct manner and linking them with what you have been taught or your previous experiences and also your previous information, one is able to understand the reality and from this one can arrive at thought.

I have very little idea what this paragraph is meant to convey, I was born with the abilities mentioned, they were handed on by my mother and father along with my poor eye sight and skin condition, did Allah/God give me those wonderful gifts too? Thanks bunches. :)

The unique thing about Islam is that nobody persuades you that it is correct, rather you, yourself proves that it is the truth by using this process of thinking.

This E-Mail wasn't an attempt at persuasion... see to me this E-Mail sans persuasion = "I follow Islam... it's not a closed religion", yet this was followed up with "Islam is the Truth" and "If you don't follow up Death is the end for you."... I'm really glad they didn't try and persuade me other wise this entry would be even more bigger than it already is. :p

Islam offers true peace and inner tranquillity by complete submission to the will of the Creator (Allah) and not to his creation from such likes as money, women, desires, a football team, movie or enjoyment etc.

I'm down with that, it's cool that people have that type of commitment to their faith, monks, nuns etc... but it's not for me thanks.

The message has reached you. The challenge is clear, ISLAM IS THE TRUTH AND WE BRING YOU INTELLECTUAL PROOF.

The only intellectual thing I've gleaned from any of this is that 'Science + Faith / Religion = Questions'

All I ask you is to open your heart and mind for the truth and by the will of Allah (God) you will see it. If anyone would like to discuss, dialogue, debate on Islam then I am willing to do so because I am fully convinced on an intellectual basis that Islam is the truth.

It’s a kind offer but no. Cheers.


For the record I deleted the E-Mail shortly after writing that, I should have just trusted my first instinct and not read it. :/

On a lighter not though I just received and E-Mail from Alan who's just left for the last time, he worked on the Command Centre and every morning around this time has to send off a morning report to the site managers etc to let them know what’s been going on all morning.

Well it seems he was as bored as me because he decided to record everything down to the last letter.

I'll post in another entry what he sent around to everyone as it's kind of amusing, I'd love to see what happens when BT management see it. :)

For now that's one entry down. :)

last day, islam

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