Hi. The day I've been waiting for since October finally came. I met rachel ray, and I was so close to her, I could smell her perfume! Sounds stalkerish, but I'm not. I swear. Her security just sucks. I ran up next to her! : ) : ) : )
yeah. i was THAT close. =))
her behind is O_O wow. lol. I'm glad she's not skinny or fat. Gives off a good image.
She's funny, too! Her husband is lucky. A woman that's funny, good looking, and cooks!
Book signing time =))
lol. i leaned back so i could be "closer" to her. i guess that didn't work out too well. but hey! there i am. =)) with the boy. and rachel ray. =))
Oh yeah...christmas in the park!
Good day. Rachel ray. Then straits for lunch/dinner. =)) Too bad I didnt' get my tiramisu!