#08 [voice/action]

Jan 25, 2011 22:01

[voice; early morning]
[A completely unfamiliar girl's voice may be heard over the journals, but for anyone who's spoken to her before and had paid enough attention, the accent and certain words might be recognizable as used by one Brooke Eirichu.

Oh, sora mea. I knew things were strange sometimes, but I wasn't expecting to just wake up looking like someone else. Most of my clothes are just a little too big now, and-


Wait a second, I look kind of like-


Okay, this has to be some kind of really bad joke.

[action; afternoon]
[A little later, Brooke-presently trapped in the slightly-younger form of her cousin Paige-makes her way out to the square, and once there just...kind of wanders a bit aimlessly. She doesn't look all that happy being stuck like this; if anything, she looks bothered by it, even outright upset.]

(ooc: Going with a pretty simple one here; she wants a chance to go back home to her friends and family, soooo whoops she's suddenly her own cousin now.)

[action post], [voice post], #luceti, [event]

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