Oct 14, 2011 22:36
Rachael and I went to Savannah on Thursday. The hotel was very nice and we had our own private balcony. After we paid for parking(which we later found out that we didn't had to lol), we walked hand in hand in the beach. It was pretty relaxing even though we saw a possible drunk guy on the beach rubbing the water on his body very slowly grinning and holding his beer can up in the air.
After the walk, we went to the second floor to grab something to eat in the restaurant. I tried for the first time some alligator and it tasted pretty good! It tasted just like chicken but with a dip of seafood sauce. We had some alcoholic beverages and then we headed back to the hotel for some wine and watched the moonlight. We decided to walk on the beach at night and Rachael found it hilarious because I was a little tipsy and I was kicking sand all over the place and bumping into her.
But unfortunately very much late a night, my gallbladder triggered again and this time pretty badly. I couldn't sleep throughout the night due to the pain and the following morning, my mom told us to go to the nearest hospital in Savannah. I was pretty much crying in pain when I got there and the waiting room seemed forever. But when it was finally my turn, they stuck me with an IV twice (and there was sooo much blood uuughh) and inserted drugs in me to make the pain stop. They rolled me off to the ultrasound room to check my gallbladder and a few other organs to make sure they were functional properly. After that, they rolled me to the X-ray room to take some pictures of my chest.
After more and more waiting, the doctor notified me that I have gallstones in my gallbladder and I need surgery to get them removed. Unfortunately, I don't have health insurance, but my brother is doing all of his power to get me health insurance ASAP. I pretty much have to stay away fatty foods and just about almost EVERY KIND OF FOOD POSSIBLE. If I want diary products, I have to make sure it's low fat and the same goes with meat. But I'm pretty A-okay with any grain products.
The ride home was torture for Rachael, but I'm so glad that she was with me through the whole thing because it was definitely a scary experience. I just wish she would be here with me when I actually go through surgery. But I just have to be strong and hopefully it'll get over very quickly.
Other than the hospital trip, my mini-vacation to Savannah was absolutely wonderful. Although I'm going to be working throughout the week, I'm looking forward to going to the movies with her to watch The Thing and to the Aquarium at Atlanta.
movie: the thing,
girlfriend: gare,