holy fuck nuts, i sneezed and now my back hurts like something severe. anyway:
this one was more laid back than my first one and it was with the same people minus eleni. we mostly just sat around and talked about stuff until we played a board game called dirty minds. which basically we have to figure out what an object or something is (example: a toothbrush) with clues that are either perverted words or sentences. it's an okay game, in my opinion. i was getting a bit bored with it at the end.
but then we finally played circle of death and that game is always fun. april mixed a shot with a bunch of liquor together and of course, i broke the circle and had to drink it. i took a sip of it and it was really strong and it felt like it was burning my throat so i went to the bathroom and spit it out and drank some water. then i went home after that. yeah, not as exciting as the first one and i didn't really drink as much as i did the first time, but hey! a hang out with friends and that's always grand.
my days haven't been much exciting to talk about really. been pretty much doing the same things every day. i marathoned harry potter the last few days because i've been itching to play hermione to
gargleblasted but i'm not sure if i'm going to go through with it due to the fact that it will be a long ass history and ugh ugh ugh i hate apps.
and.. that's... it. i have to go to work in an hour and a half. not truly looking forward to it because i much rather just stay in this bed and sleep, but at least i'll be at door and i get to stand there and just...stare into space and daydream until 6 o' clock.
also! my dog has been doing pretty good lately. she doesn't stay up all night long like she used to and she actually sleeps at night so then i can. it makes me a v. happy panda.
yeah, sorry i don't update much. i'm usually on plurk, but even then i'm not much on plurk either. i just float around.
okay. the end.