i've been pretty happy lately. and i mean... happy. that feeling that i haven't been in such a long time. i've always been content, but my forever long content is turning into happiness.
everything in my life is really turning around. after two months of nightmare, i finally have a car that i can drive. sure, it's not the best of the best. but it gets me where i need to be. my tax return check finally came in today. 181 dollars and the other check i still have is 33. that's over 200 that's just for me to spend.
my brother is in russia and because he's in russia, he'll be making a lot of money and a lot of bonuses. not to mention that he was promoted long ago. in a few weeks, he's going to send us 14,000? i think that's the amount. i can't remember exactly. -- all i know is that with this large amount of money, we'll be able to pay the house off way down, i'll be able to get my laptop and my mom will be able to get her own. and we'll be able to get a washing machine too.
im just... kinda amazed how far i came, really. last year was just completely horrible. i had no job, my parents fought with each other so much that my dad abandoned us, we were on the thin line of losing our house, we had to put one dog to sleep due to his cancer - the other died here due to the same cancer, we had horrible luck with cars, everything in the house was breaking down on us, i was single and had no one to turn to for love and support.
it was all just a fucking mess.
but now? everything is going so right. and im really hoping that it continues on this route for a good while. i also can't wait for this summer and this fall. summer because although i'm going to complain about it, i'll most likely get a lot more hours for work and i'll be making around 160 to over 200 again and it'll be the fucking money i can keep! and in the fall, ahhhhh i really hope i get to see
have i mentioned that she's pretty much the best girlfriend in all existence? because she is. jsyk.
just ahh, it's such a relief that things will be alright. -- bah, i'll leave this public, why the hell not.