Nov 22, 2015 01:36

If you want to add me, here are a few rules:

+GOLDEN RULE: Please tell me how you find me. For example: "Hi, I'm from an RP that you're on" or "I saw you on a meme and you seemed interesting and I want to add you." Just SOMETHING. I don't add back people who just randomly add me with no explanation and hoping that I'll just add them back. Unless I know who they are first and personally. Doesn't work that way. Bitchy of me maybe know.

+No homophobics kthnx.
+Must be able to handle strong language, sexual content, and possibly drug use.
+We all get our emo days, we are humans with emotions. I'm not rude to others when it's about their feelings, please don't be rude to mine.
+You don't have to like what I like, but please respect my interests

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friends only, !public

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