Nov 04, 2008 19:10
I can blame myself for not studying hard enough for Math. BUT I can also blame the ones who set the 2008 Math A Level Paper. Please. Compared to 2007 Paper, this was so much harder, like, twofold. It killed me okay. I think it's worse than prelims. Maybe becos' thr's a 10 mark question on flowerbed and hmmm 9 marks question on AP/GP which I SUCK AT IT TOTALLYYYYYY. && I SUCK AT MATH LA OK.
Math's a heartbreaker, math's a heartbreaker...yeahyeah~
If you don't know what to pray for us (people taking A's), now you do. Pray that Paper 2 will be managable, tons of moderation, Econs papers are okay and that I got time to study Geog and Econs. KKK AND CSE. -.-
I'm so angryyyyy!! Hmpff.