Woe is me

Mar 28, 2006 00:51

The saying goes "No news is good news". But when it comes to LJ posts, no news means that my life is blah. If something absolutely amazing happened, I would post. If something absolutely awful happened, I would post. But today's post is simply because I have not posted in what seems like an eternity. My Birthday has come and gone. The weekend before, I went to my parent’s house. We went out with friends and karaoked. That was fun. My mom made chili and corn bread and apple pie for desert. Gerbils come up in dinner conversation. It was great. I got calls and cards for my birthday from Michael’s friends and family, which really means a lot to me. I worked on my B-Day, and some with a list of names came up to me, checked my name tag to make sure I was me, and wished me a happy B-Day. That kind of sucked. Rather then making me feel all warm and fuzzy that someone at work noticed, it made me feel like an ant who had their home stepped on (imagine for a minute that ants do have feelings). Work has also made it necessary to become dependant on Tylenol PM. My joints ache so much at the end of the night that the only way for me to sleep is with the help of my friend Pill. All in all, I am not very happy at work. I hate people, and at work I have to be nice to a lot of them. I wish I could tell them where I think they should shove their double paper bags. I have really started to question the point of life. I mean really, why are we here. Work can not be the reason for our existence. Yet in today’s society, the only way to survive is to dedicate our lives to working for money. And very few of us get the opportunity to dedicate our lives to something worth while that earns cash. It just sucks. I want to move to Europe where at lease the fact that I am slaving away at a job will guarantee me some health care. I am currently at work 40 hours a week, and get paid for 37.5 of them, therefore, not being classified as full time. And I was also looking forward to filling my taxes, since I should get a nice size return. But one of my jobs still hasn’t sent me my W2s. I could go on about all of the problems I am having (trust me, there are plenty more), but I think I have complained enough for one night.

On a happier note, I went to a Piston’s game on Wednesday, and I am going to one tomorrow night. And tomorrow I get my present from Michael. He is going to buy me a jersey. I haven’t decided which one yet, but I have narrowed it down to two (Prince or Hunter).
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