Jun 09, 2005 16:59

yess so i went on a cruise with my three amazing girls (caity, jessy, and lia) and my mom. we left june 2, which was last thursday and i came home last night. (i commented on your journals on my moms laptop.) so click the cut and start reading, that is if you really did :)

thursday; took a plane to florida! ahh that was so funnn. it wasnt that exciting because ive been on a plane a bunch of times but it was for lia because it was her first time. stayed in a hotel.

friday; well we borded the ship and got settled in. nothing much happened really. we looked around the ship alot. caity told every guy who was fine that they were fine. my mom was like um she isnt my daughter lol. we ate dinner in this restaurant called Walker's Plank. very original. i got lobster (which was excellent) and a water.

saturday; this was like the best day on the ship, in my opinion. first we went to an early breakfast which my mom made us wake up for around seven. ugh i couldve killed her! whatever. it was a nice breakfast. then we all went tanning (cait, jessy, and lia) while my mom took a nap. holy shit! caity tans SO easily! i got some of a tan, i guess. then at the end of the night we put on our dancing shoes and went to a disco which was fun. haha we got this sort of fake alchohol. it was a joke. it was like really sparkling apple cider or something lol.. we left the cruise ship and boarded off to the BAHAMAS!!

sunday; the hotel was fun to stay in. we jumped on the beds and stuff. during the day, we went down to the beach and tanned and swam. lia and i splashed water at my mom, jessy, and caity lol. then we went to this bar thing that looked like a tiki hut! lol we ordered lemonades but the weirdest thing is that they came in these coconut shells! cool! we went out to eat that night to the rainforest cafe! ive never been there and it was really really cool.

monday; we all put on comfy clothes and went shopping in this cute little town with little streets filled with little shops. i bought a shell necklace for myself with matching shell earrings. i bought my grandmother a sewing bag. it came with all these cool sewing accessories and i know she'll love it. went out to dinner and swam in the pool till like eleven.

tuesday; we had to leave early and we packed back up to board the ship again. boarded the ship. did nothing much. caity and jessy got into a little fight. they're over it.

wednesday; there was a thunderstorm and we were told to stay inside our rooms. grrrrr!! i was kind of mad. in the afternoon we borded a plane to phoenix. didnt get home till like way late.

and so ends one chapter of the summer. i had so much fun! comment please :)

over the weekend, i'll be with my friends and family alot. with my brother graduating high school, me coming home from my cruise, ... i have a lot of things to catch up with over the weekend. so i'm on a HIATUS until further notice. i'll try to comment but i probably wont be able to. i <3 you all!
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