
Oct 01, 2004 20:07

ok... well, before i begin my rant, let me give you some background. Mark(my boyfriend and father of my son, Azriel) has a daughter(we'll call her T) with another woman (we'll call her CuntFace). we just found out yesterday that T was taken away from CuntFace for reasons i wont go into (let me just say that someone is gonna rot in hell or perhaps get killed and raped in prison,preferably both for wat they did). Mark wants custody of T, which i have no problem with except we only have a 1 bedroom. Mark's family is all excited over the prospect of getting T back. and theyre all bending over backwards to accomadate her. i hope we get her so she can have a stable,loving home enviorment. im just kinda overwhlemded by all of this... ive barely just become a mother to my own little son... much less a mother to a 9 year old ive never met. im just sooo.... worried that as soon as T gets here everything is gonna be focoused on her and not on Azriel (my son). his family is willing to help us now that T is possibly coming..... wat about all the times we needed help getting a place for my Az and mark?? they never helped us financially and bent over backwards for us. it just kinda pisses me off.and mark was telling me.... "dont be surprised that when T comes that theres gonna be presents pouring in for her" wat about Azriel? is he like shit or something??? i dunno maybe im just being selfish of immature.afterall this poor little girl went through hell. but im not liking the fact that everyone is willing to pull out all the stops for T but not for Azriel.... im hurt and frustrated.... ::sigh:: FUCK... i cant get wat im feeling feeling emotionally constipated!!! im not saying anything right!!!
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