Jul 08, 2002 02:44
sup alL? sorrie i aint update. i've been madd busy wit shit, especialLy babysittin. das wha i did today, or shuld i say yestuhday? i watched ma lil sistuh, ma brothuh, a lil boy who iz like ma nephew, n sort of ma othuh sistuh n her frend. we chilLed at da pool da whole day n played sum volLeybalL. it wuz aiqh. den we came home n i cooked sum steak wit mac + cheese. dat shit wuz slammin. den wun of deze quyz i met came ovuh fo' a bit. we buqqed out n alL. he cool peoplez.
me n kerry became madd close deze past couple dayz. i mean, we wuz close n shit frum da start, but we jus became much closuh -> thankz mama fo' alwayz helpin me out n bein dere fo' me wenevuh i needed you most. you wun of da onli qurlz dat haz stayed tru in ma life. n even tho you mad far now, you stilL close at heart. i cant wait ta chilL. we qon' cause madd trouble. hehe. n remembuh qurl, keep shakin dem hatuhz off n be stronq. you too qood ta be takin dey shit. ima alwayz be hea fo' you no mattuh wha. email me, calL me netime..no mattuh da time of day or niqh. i love you qurl <333
welL, lemme be out. i cant sleep so i quess ima watch sum tv. fun stuff. qood niqh n sweet dreamz. peace x0x
karen + kerry = sistuhz f0' lyfe!