..and I hope you all see this before you even send me a LJ pm. Whatever stupid ass shit you are bringing to my attention...I DON'T CARE!!! I honestly do not want to hear it, see it, or deal with it because I could give a rats ass about your shit. I'm tired of the petty shit being brought to me, and I am tired of the drama. I stay away from it, I even stay away from the people who harbor drama in their lives. I don't care who did what or who said what, who doesn't like said person, I DONT CARE!!! I have my own shit to deal with in real life to even care what people over the internet are doing. It's the internet for cripes sakes! I come here to relax, enjoy doing what I do, kill some time when I have time to kill, catch up with my personal friends on LJ and to have an enjoyable conversation with a few of my online friends. I am not here to give a shit about what others are doing or looking at on the internet, or who is talking smack about who. If it does not effect me or my personal life or my family, I just can't care, I seriously can't, and I wont.
I can't even care less what you all think about me and if you think I am some heartless bitch for not giving shit about stupid petty shit or if your feelings are butt hurt over whatever the subject matter. 90% of the time the subject matter is so lame anyway that I don't have the energy to care. I am just so sick and tired of it all, and I am certainly not here for you to dump your drama on me that I can't even care about. I am DONE!
I am also sick and tired of feeling like I have to be forced to fucking like someone on LJ just because the rest of the world on LJ fucking loves said person! Guess what! There is a reason I don't like said person, and there is a reason I don't want to be their friend anymore...GET OVER IT!!! I'm here for real friends, not fake shitty friends thank you very much!
I have always lived by "the less you care, the happier you will be" and it's true! The only things I do care about is, what I should actually be caring about, meaning me, my personal life or my family. That's the way it always has been and ever will be.