let me tell you something about rachel.
okay, where do i start. i've been obsessed with her ever since i was eleven.
the oc was the first show i ever really was a fan of. it was my life, seriously.
and i still love it with all my heart. this show was the reason i wanted to learn
english, haha. i was so sure that i was going to meet the cast one day and i wanted
to be able to talk to them in english. rachel was always my favorite i would write her letters after her and adam broke up, haha. i literally begged her to get back with him. i was so upset you have no idea, lol. i had oc posters, books, cd's, dvd's, everything.
i still get this feeling whenever i hear phantom planet's "california", haha.
i know i'm weird and you're probably thinking why is she telling us all this lol.
idk im bored. anyway tyfyt :)
oh, and she has seriously never worn anything i didn't like.
i adore her taste in fashion, want her closet, she's too adorable for words etc.
alright now enjoy, take, comment and credit :)