Sep 22, 2009 00:04
I have no idea how you parents do it out there going through the process. My husband and I just got on the subject of adopting within the past week and I thought I would start looking at what are the requirements. First off it seems you have to be rich be an adopted parent! I want to know if it is possible to be adoptive parents with a fixed income such as disability? Why does adoption costs somewhat as much or more as fertility treatments? Also, is it possible to get a newborn child in the US? Were hoping for a girl that is asian just a preferance, but wouldn't mind adopting US children as well. So what are the things I need to know at first? Is healthcare issuses gonna be a problem with becoming parents? (My Husband has cogestive heart failure and I am bipolar.) What are some good websites to go to for adoption? We live in Sarasota, Florida if that helps any... Thanks for the help!