Herself says there will be a redesign. We won this one. Thank all of you for your part in that.
Next time it may not be Cat Valente...as I mentioned in my own letter, names like Nnedi Okorafor and Justine Larbalestier have had to cope with this in the not so distant past either, and I'm willing to bet there are a teeming host of less-known, less-clout-having, writers put in this position.
It is my sincere hope that, having saved The Habitation of the Blessed from whitewashing, that you will find yourselves willing the next time...and the next time...and the next time...until we convince the various industries that
whitewashing is racism and racism is not okay. It is my sincere belief that you will, because you are the Mythpunk Army, and generally on the side of Awesome.
My love, and sincerest thanks, to all of you. Again, see you at Strowlerfest (and if you need a roommate, let me know, I'm looking for one.)
Blessings upon all your heads from your humble and infinitely grateful servant,
popelizbet. "Honey flows in our land, and milk everywhere abounds" - and vegan cupcakes rise for the rest. See you at the Fairyland release party if I don't see you before that.