New Adoption Legislation in NC

Dec 02, 2007 23:17

Just passing this on for those of you in NC about the new law about connecting adoptees and birthparents through confidential intermediaries that goes into effect January 1, 2008. It is being set up to be run through adoption agencies and I just wanted to pass on info on a very trustworthy agency that is already taking information for people so they can start the process as soon as the guidelines and start date begin.

The NC General Assembly has recently passed legislation that will allow licensed child placing agencies to act as confidential intermediaries for adoptees, age 21 and older, and birth parents who wish to provide updated medical information. If both parties want additional information or possible contact, then identifying information can be shared with mutual consent. In addition, a licensed child placing agency may agree to act as a confidential intermediary for the adoptive parents of a minor adoptee to obtain non-identifying birth family health information. The new law becomes effective January 1, 2008.

Guidelines from the State Department of Social Services about implementation of the program will be forthcoming in the next several months. If you are interested in intermediary services, CHS is currently accepting letters of request with the understanding that no action can be taken until after 1/1/08. A fee will be charged for this service but the amount has not been set. You may send a letter stating that you are interested in intermediary services to Post Adoption, Children’s Home Society of NC, PO Box 14608, Greensboro, NC 27415. Please include your full name, date of birth, a copy of your driver’s license or other picture ID, and all contact information including an e-mail address if available. If you are an adoptee, we need your adoptive parent’s names. If you are a birth parent, include the name you were using at the time you received services through the agency.

Excerpt from HB 445:
A child placing agency licensed by the Department or a county department of social services may agree to act as a confidential intermediary for a biological parent or adult adoptee or adult lineal descendant of a deceased adoptee, without appointment by the court pursuant to G.S. 48‑9‑105, in order to obtain and share nonidentifying birth family health information or facilitate contact or share identifying information with adult adoptees, adult lineal descendants of deceased adoptees, and biological parents with the written consent of all parties to the contact or the sharing of information. Further, a child placing agency licensed by the Department or a county department of social services may agree to act as a confidential intermediary for the adoptive parents of a minor adoptee, without appointment by the court pursuant to G.S. 48‑9‑105, to obtain and share nonidentifying birth family health information. An agency that agrees to provide confidential intermediary services may charge a reasonable fee for doing so, which fee must be pursuant to written agreement signed by the individual to be charged. The Division shall establish guidelines for confidential intermediary services."
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