Read the nursing stories of some of
adopt_a_mom's mentors.
Babyslime - Bad latch, sore, bleeding nipples, overactive letdown, pumping, nipple shields, abscess, mastitis
Betty_bites - Sleepy baby, bad latch, sore and cracked nipples, returning to work, pumping, and extended nursing
Bopeepsheep - Induction turned c-section, thrush, over-supply/overactive let-down mastitis, milk donation
Flutterby77 - Twins, c-section, forced hospital supplementation, nursing strikes, blocked duct, nursing blister
Jynxgirl - C-Section, NICU, exclusive pumping, diabetes, petit mal seizures
Navygrrl - Unsupportive hospital staff, latch problems, sore bleeding nipples
Rainingkisses - Sore nipples, mastitis, thrush, flat nipples, nipples shields.
Sleeping_pill - Twins, flat nipple, low weight gain, sleepy babies, nipple shields, syringe feeding
Talula_fairie - Flat nipples, unsupportive hospital staff, forced supplementation, nipple confusion, nipple shields, latch problems, oversupply, plugged ducts
The_lissa - Sleepy baby, jaundice, low weight gain/dehydration, nipple shields, SNS, finger feeding
Two_roads - Delayed start to nursing, sleepy baby, jaundice, oversupply/overactive let-down, nipple shields, thrush, plugged duct, extended nursing
Wyllow42 - Sore, bleeding nipples, biting, infection, nursing during pregnancy, tandem nursing
xxveigaxx - Sore nipples, growth spurts
Raisangrrl - C-section, jaundice, hypertonic baby
Acidflowers - C-section, sore nipples, returning to work
Sevenpale - C-section
Huakai - C-section, extended nursing
Nilo - Unsuccessful nursing with first baby, unsupportive hospital staff, success with second baby 11 years later, mastitis, bleeding nipples, unsupportive medical people again, slow weight gain
Bicrim - Hypoplastic breasts and low supply, SNS use, donor milk use
Janaya - Severe tongue tie, slow weight gain, FTT, nipple shield, SNS use, milk bank supplementation, forced hospitalization, unsupportive medical professionals, CPS case for refusing to use formula instead of breastmilk for supplementation, thrush, nursing through pregnancy
Conchispa - Breastfeeding after reduction, low supply, slow weight gain, sleepy baby, latch problems, cracked and sore nipples, SNS use.
Janisfan - Sore nipples, poor hospital experience, pumping, working, nipple shield (+ weaning from nipple shield), low weight gain, small baby, sleepy baby, c-section
Kandeewright - Jaundice, engorgement issues, unsupportive pediatrician.
Pernwebgoddess - Latch issue, nipple shields, weaning from nipple shields, positioning difficulties
Raving_liberal - Unsupportive spouse, bad hosptial experience, sleepy baby, dairy allergy, extended nursing (first baby); thrush, plugged ducts (second baby).
Nived32 - Premature baby, sleepy baby, no latch, no suck, SNS, flat nipples, nipple shields, reflux, overactive letdown, supplementation (for the first 4 months), pumping, thrush.
Piccadillywhore - Sleepy baby, latch and positioning problems, uncooperative hospital staff
Chrispina - Very large breasts, a skinny baby, jaundice, thrush, ectopic pregnancy while nursing, extended nursing, cosleeping, and food allergies.
Expected_chaos - c-section, failure to latch, unhelpful hospital staff, exclusive pumping, thrush, clogged ducts, unsupportive friends, dairy & soy reactions, colic, flat nipples, oversupply/overactive let-down, nipple confusion/preference
Alaria_lyon - Reluctant nurser until 3 months, sore nipples, some overactive letdown, nipple blanching due to Renauld's, painful letdown, cosleeping, mild reflux, shallow gag reflex making introduction of solids difficult. Egg, dairy, and peanut allergies.
Littlebuhnee - twins, preemies, exclusive pumping, extended nursing, mastitis
Chinaraven - Epidural complications, early breastfeeding difficulties, supply issues, conflict with care providers, supplementation, jaundice, pumping, PPD (first baby); Bed rest, tandem nursing, PPD, plugged ducts, oversupply, supply problems (domperidone use), pumping at work.
Bookgirl83 - Low birth weight, NICU, latch trouble, overactive letdown, plugged ducts, biting, extended nursing
Red_canuck - surgery pp, later nipple confusion/preference, oversupply, block nursing, nursing while pregnant
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adopt_a_mom mentor, and would like to add your story to this list, please comment with a link to your story. All comments will be screened.