Oct 19, 2003 13:41
Okay so I'm no professional website developer. This is my very first attempt at creating one all on my own. And honestly it's not that bad. Several people thus far have said that they were impressed. I think perhaps more so with the artwork it contains rather than the actual set up of the site itself. I will continue to add more pieces as they come into completion and available for public view. I hope to have time to keep it regularly updated.
So if any of you reading would care to take a peek at my art work, both the originals and the reproductions, simply go to this site and look around.
Currently there are nine paintings on display at the University Bookstore at the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee. ( www.sewanee.edu ). There are four on exhibit at Quidnunc, a local bistro next to the bookstore. Also, there are seven on loan and viewable at the Adams Edgeworth Inn in Monteagle, Tennessee ( www.relaxinn.com ).
Also be sure to check out these wonderful sites:
** Also as an aside, I am pretty good at finding all sorts of things on the internet when I know what I'm looking for, however, for the past two weeks I've been looking for a free shareware version of a reliable web site publishing software. If there is any out there reading that might be able to assist me in my quest, please inform me by responding to this Live Jounral Entry or by sending a simple Email to AdonisESQ@aol.com.
Thank you so much for you time and attention.