If there is indeed an upside to having a job in which one does pretty much nothing a good 70% of the day, it’s the fact that you can get all your web-reading\emailing\personal stuff done on a regular basis. Nonetheless, it gets a bit monotonous at times, and I was thinking about that very fact yesterday after work as I was on lake shore drive stuck in traffic on a busy afternoon. This thought struck me right as the SUV I could see in my rear view mirror struck me from behind. It was just hard enough to cause a little jolt, and I couldn’t help but thinking about that Sex and the City episode in which the girls are gabbering on in the back of a taxi as to how anal sex would feel like, when their cab is Freudian-slipped from behind as well. I sort of smiled for the first second, and then looked again in my rear view mirror to see the woman driving the SUV get obviously quite upset about the whole thing.
I was now “That Guy Who Gets Out Of His Car To Inspect His Damage In The Middle Of Rush Hour Traffic,” and I must say I was conscious of this the whole time. The woman (Debbie) got out of her mammoth tank of an automobile and immediately began the apologies as I looked at my scraped-up bumper. She blabbered on about how she hit her breaks to avoid hitting someone else, and I’m thinking to myself, “We’re in gridlock lady. What were you swerving to avoid? A mirage??”
Anyway, after telling her it wasn’t that big a deal, she seemed to calm down a bit and offered me her business card, “just in case.” I graciously accepted it, and she went on apologizing saying that her cell # was on the card as well, and to not hesitate to call. Yeah, yeah sure was my response, and I got in my car to continue crawling in traffic.
So I’m driving off and thinking about this great website Grant forwarded to me, which is Kenston High School’s official site where you can watch files of their boys’ sports teams conducting their various meets. Brian Baumgartner has to be my favorite swim team member by far, and I must silently thank the good, ignorant people of Chagrin Falls, OH for putting up a site that is undoubtedly a gay man’s dream. Don’t take my word for it: meet Brian yourself:
Swim Team Brian Be sure to do some exploring amongst the wrestling team. Yowsa.
Anyway, I’m thinking about this site and noticing that Debbie is still behind me when, and I’m not kidding here, she rear-ends me AGAIN. I look at her from my mirror again, this time a little bit more aggravated, and she’s throwing her arms up in hysterics, no doubt cursing herself. I pick up her card, and dial her # from my cell. I see her pick up from my mirror.
“Debbie?” I ask politely and calmly.
“Yeah?” she replies completely frazzled.
“This is the car you just rear-ended twice.”
I continued along quite cool and collected. “Debbie? You HAVE to pay more attention here.”
“I know I know, I don’t know what my problem is today I’msosorryyouhavenoidea.”
“It’s okay. I’m going to hang up now, and I sincerely hope I don’t have to make this call again.”
She apologizes 6-fold and then I hang up. This most recent strike against my back bumper was even softer than the last one, so I didn’t think it necessary to go out again and take a look at the damage.
So I continue to drive along, trying to get my mind off this. I think again of more linked website pictures, and these sprung to mind:
Andy Andy Too Fake? Real? You decide. All I can say is I was cheered up immensely.