Mar 10, 2004 21:27
Joy’s Oscar party was delightful, even though the best part of the show was Marty’s American Express commercial. She bailed however on the first meeting of the Yuppie Straight Woman Book Club, where we talked about “Middlesex.” (great book btw…go get it) She ditched it because she hadn’t read the book the whole way through, and didn’t want to look stupid when we talked about the end…I suggested that would be a good idea, being that it would ruin the experience of reading it by herself, and this is when she told me how she goes about buying a book: Joy goes through bookstores, flips through and reads the last 4 or 5 pages of a book, and if she likes it, she buys it. Yes folks, THESE are my friends.
David’s dinner party last week was an enjoyable evening, even though the home theater was busted…we just had to sit around and enjoy food shipped in from all over the world…fruits from Thailand, chicken from Jersey…when Jacob brought up the fact we were going to visit C and B, who still have Danny Roberts’ email. David said that if we get Danny Roberts to come to Chicago (under the ruse of me wanting him for a film project) he’d pay for the entire enterprise himself.
Not 24 hours after I leave the temp agency, my recruiter offers me a job, which I accept. I started the next day (waking up at 6am…argh…) and met my co-workers. I might as well be working at AfroWorld (see entry for 2-24-04) because 2 out of my 3 cubicle-mates are these kick-ass black women, Janet and Candace. I can’t tell you how quickly the day goes by, listening to these two bicker back and forth about whose “man treat them the worst,” and the very first day I almost peed my pants as I heard the following exchange:
(GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING: The character of “Jamaal” is Candace’s brother.)
Jamaal said to me, he says, Candace, you gots to be lockin’ yo car door. They’s some crazy-ass muthufuckas out there jis’ waitin’ to bust in yo shit.
Hell naw.
You know it true, J. So I said Jamaal, what you talkin’ bout me lockin’ my car door. What the hellz the difference in my own back yard? And he says, Candace you GOTS to be lockin’ yo door, and I said, WHY Jamaal? And he say, “Dat’s how I got mine.”
Hell naw.
I said Jamaal, yo black ass is CRAzy.
I’d write more, but it’s only 9:30 and I’m already fucking tired…just one episode of Buffy and I’m goin’ to bed…