
Dec 03, 2007 12:48

School and work are killing me. Another week and a half though, and I'll be completely done with my classes. Thank god too, because these labs are killing me. Three. In one week. Due on the same damn day (Wednesday). All of them more than 5 pages (one of them was 10!). Then I have my history paper to finish (only 500 more words to go!!!!) and something for my English and Latin classes (at least those are short assignments).

And calculus. >< Don't even talk to me about that. I've got two hours to finish my homework before class and I'm completely lost. Maybe I'm brain dead now, from not really getting much sleep.

Albel's going to be pissed at how little sleep I've been getting, maybe even more about the fact that in the last week I've seen him maybe a total of eight hours. I know it's awful, but I have to get these done and done RIGHT, and handed in on time. It would be easier, maybe, if they'd at least shorten practice time. I love basketball, but right now I kind of need that time for homework. I'm not the only one who feels that way, so maybe we can talk him into shortening it.

All I want is curl up on Albel and go to sleep. There isn't enough coffee in the world for this week.

Albel, can we maybe meet somewhere for dinner tonight or tomorrow between my study groups and work? I miss you and I'm not going to be home anytime you are except when you're asleep. Call me, please, at least. I think if I hear your voice I won't end up slicing my wrists open with a page from the calculus book or going totally insane. And then when this week is over, can we please just spend some time together. I haven't really seen you in a week and we fucking live together. All I really want is to sleep on you for awhile.

coffee, school, basketball, albel

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