torn papr heart: who are you?
ANTJames64: And I am greatful for that.
ANTJames64: Who am I..
ANTJames64: A guy who is not afraid to try. A man who seems to always be againsed the odds. I am a the glass if half full kind of guy, I am full of logic so I can hardly ever let myself dwell is my own tears. I am the type of person who takes life day by day. I could keep going if you wish..
torn papr heart: please do
ANTJames64: I am not arrogant or cocky, I am observant. I have observed so many peoples mistakes to make my life perfect, yet it is not. I am intimidating yet shrivel in fighting confrontations. I am a lover, not a fighter. I am a leaning block, many people lean on me for their problems. I am very strong willed, only doing what I please. I am the type of person that it hurts me to see someone down so I try to help any person I can in their time of need. I am romantic, I am open minded, I am one of those guys who could liten to a emo song or what will you and can write a poem. I..... am me.