Dec 23, 2003 22:37
Mirzeta: you ok?
Me: I could complain.
I just wish, that someone would like me for me.. Maybe I'll tell her whats wrong.. But then again the more I think about it I hurt. Man, right in the middle of posting this.. I lay it on her... give me a minute and I will put up the conversation.... Which didn't last long..
Mirzeta: about what
Me: You want the honest answer?
Mirzeta: yah
Me: I'm tired of being alone. I want a girl out there thats perfect for me to be in my life right this second. Day after day I keep feeling lonely, and knowing how much I wish I could turn the cheek like I've done for so long. I just can't. The Pain.. hurts..
Mirzeta: oh...don't'll find the right girl for you...but if you're tired of waiting maybe you should go out there and try and find her
Me: Who knows..