When I grow up I want to be a S.W.O.G.

Aug 05, 2005 18:26

This last week was incredibly, and not-so-incredible at the same time. I have a lot of this to pray about for this up coming year, and they have almost nothing to do with me.

If you're reading this great!

If you would please pray for my sister and I it would be greatly appreciated.

My sister and I took a class this week (different times) and she asked me to be her mentor. For me this is incredible, but at the same time that fear the nagging fear that I will inevitably screw something up is still there. I know Im a sinner and I make mistakes. But I dont want my pride to get in the way of this one because this is a fencer. depending on how I take this whole thing I can either lead my sister closer to Christ or turn her away. I cant let my pride get in the way. This is one of me and my sisters strongholds, PRIDE!

I love my sister and my sister loves me, but we have a lot to work on and through in our relationship this year. not just in our relationships with each other but with God as well.

I was telling the devo group last night about this whole thing, and about how me and my sister could be such a powersul duo for Christ if she just focus her talents and abilities in the right way. I have determination for Christ and if my sister focused her determination on the Lord and what He wants we could get so much accomplished. these tasks wont ne easy and I know that God is going to be the only one to take us through these trials together but i also know that because of his mercy and love on us we will come out victorious for Him.

Today we learned about God's goodness in devos and about how we need to tell people about God's goodness even in our struggles. God revealed this to me. Even though my mom is living in sin, and she took and is taking my sister from everything she knows and loves God is going to use my mom (with out her acknowledgment) and change my sisters life. my sister is going from a big church with 600 people in attendance and 50-100 kids in the youth group to a very small church with not-so-many kids in the youth group. I think that the youth pastor that she is going to have (who I got to watch a little this week) is going to challenge my sister and encourage her at the same time to have a deeper walk with Christ. Which in turn is going to make my job as being her mentor easier (or less difficult (this will never be easy)

Now back to my title for this post





Scott Pollock talked about it when he was in our class for an anouncment (anouncments, anouncments, anouncments. when you're up you're up, and when you're dow you're down, and when your only half way up you're neither up or down(wow, camp!)) anyway. that was my random thought of the moment

I love Jesus and he changes me everday!!
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