Title: Deals On Such Short Notice
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
valressRating: R
Disclaimer: Please don't send to anyone named in this fic. I don't own anything or anyone. It was a thought that crossed my head so I wrote it down. That is all. I'm not making any profit. Adam owns Tommy, Tommy owns Adam, and everyone else owns everyone else as well.
Warning: Angst, Courtship Rituals, talks of war
Summary: Fill for my Angst bingo card: Courtship Rituals. Adam is having a hard time accepting the fact that his father is choosing who he's going to marry. He's just gotten King Thomas back in his life and he doesn't want to lose him to someone else. Can he make it in time to marry King Thomas instead of someone he doesn't know? This is the sequel to See Me As I'm Not.
Author's Notes: This is for the lovely and ever patiently waiting
bloodyrosered who also made a banner for this and I love it to itty bitty bits. Thanks honey and here you go!! This is the last fic you guys will get until my LBB's come out, so check around other communities like
glam_100 for drabbles that I may write while we all wait!! <3