Jul 24, 2008 12:26
As per usual, our plans have been cancelled/postponed/rescheduled. maybe this is a sign that I should move on & forget his sorry ass? is it that difficult to work something out so that you can do the things that you have committed to doing?
Dalhousie University is one of the most expensive univeristies (tuition-wise) in Nova Scotia, which has the highest tuition in the country. So of course I have decided that I must go there. Here's the breakdown of my fees for the fall semester. Now mind you, this does not include residence fees, books, or my meal plan.
200910 2008/2009 Fall Term Detail Detail CodeDescriptionChargePaymentBalanceDSIPDSU Health & Dental Insurance
DSUDalhousie Student Union
FUBPBus Pass Fee
HARLApplication Fee-Trad Residence
SSSCSociety - Science
TASCAuxiliary Fee - Science
TUARTuition - Arts
TUSCTuition - Science
UFRFFacilities Renewal Fee F/T
USS1Student Service Fee Fall Term
YDR2Room Confirmation Deposit
ZASCAdmission Dep BSC
EWMCWeb MasterCard Payment
Net Term Balance
Net Balance for Other Terms:
Account Balance:
I don't even understand what half of these mean. Auxillary fee? Facilities renewal fee? I haven't even been at the facility yet, how can they be renewing my service? I would be pretty worried if I had to pay for this. A lot of my friends are paying their own tuition, but I'm grateful that I don't have to.
Tomorrow is my ocnsultation for my photo shoot! :]]