Sep 28, 2006 15:35 long have I abandoned this poor journal for? XD I shall ignore it no more!
It just struck me that I had an LJ account, really. *Sweat-drops.* Great memory there, huh, brain? So I decided to do some random typing, see if anyone will even read this. Hehe. XP
Well, first of all, I'm Ado-chan or Ado or whatever you wanna go ahead and call me. XD The weird name was derived from a forum screen name which stuck. So, go ahead and get creative! XP I'm 16, female, and stranded in a place called Malaysia. You can see how much I love it here. *Is flipping through applications for foreign universities.* ^_^;;;
Hm...I like loads of things, especially books, anime, and JE!!! *Swoons.* Yeah, another fangirl. XP I like loads of groups, be it the Johnnys or Juniors and I download anything I can find (though sadly, there is a lack of it. =.=) like a madwoman. I think my computer might die soon. o.O;; *Huggles it.* I'm grateful, buddy.
JE's a recent obession of mine, since I've been in my anime-only bubble for ages. But I'm poking at idols, dramas and musicals as well - 'tis fun! ^_^ If it has a J-boy, I'm likely to be a fangirl. Thank goodness for real-life bishies. XPP
Speaking of an anime obsession, I have 2-D bishie obsessions as well, Kurama (YYH) in particular. Go ahead, laugh. *Huggles.* I luffies him. Hm...aside from JE, anime and manga, I love reading and writing - a childhood passion. I draw sometimes, though they're just crappy doodles. Also, I'm interested in music and play the piano. If a song interests me, it interests me. I don't pin-point single bands and only listen to their stuff. XD I listen to both Western and J-pop/J-rock. ^_^
Now, I'm the sort who rambles often, as the proof above has shown so I'm going to stop myself now. *Bonks her head.* Or else, I'd literally go on forever. >.>;
But anyway, this is me, saying hi and yoroshiku ne! ^_^