Jun 11, 2004 18:59
Started my new job on wendsday, its pretty cool, easy kinda a familiar environment. And the shifts go by pretty fast since we get two 15 minutes and a 20 minute breaks! Kinda sucks they use only crappy little manuel machines to build the transformers, they need to get the more automated machines like I worked on before, I did 68 parts today, 68!! wtf that sounds like shit, but apparently its really good, shit at schotts I used to send out 3000 of the same kinda parts every night. Me and Katie, and possibly Alicia and Leah get to go see boobies tomorrow!! hell yeah, just what I need! Going to get some overtime at work tomorrow, not hugely up to it at the moment but I'll be cool with it in the morning, only working 6am - 12pm, I need the money though, Im gonna see if I can get in on doing everything there so I can know everything and do it at a fast rate so I can get a good raise on my review, Im good at this kinda shit, I hated the fucking gas station, customer service not only convinced me mankind is hopeless, but also made me a spaz. Went to BC perkins today after work for some much needed coffee, kinda odd noone I knew was sitting around in there, but Niki was workin, pretty cool to talk to her been awile. Kinda tipsy only got 3-4 hours of sleep if that, don't really want to get into why. I got another hoop in my ear again, thank goodness the hole didn't close up that would suck ass. So how am I doing mentally you ask? Im ok, still disappointed in something, but yeah. Hows my love life? non-existant but I dono, sometimes I feel like I won't have anyone again, sometimes I do, but know its not gonna be for awile since females generally don't like me that way, at least the ones Im interested in ever anyway. But at least some make good friends. Veronica is back in town in a week, yay! I really wish we could of hung out alot more in the last several years, really sucks I had to basecly commit "temporary suicide" by moving to Marshall and missed out on what her and several others were up to, especially Danielle, if I never moved things could have been much differant, I was basecly sheltered for 2 1/2 years, and it affects me today, but its nice to have remade friends again, and regained a few as well, especially Mark and Lizzies, I've known them for three years now and even though some shit happened were we didn't have much contact mainly due cause of taking the wrong side on a fight, they were still cool with being my friends, even with all the shit I go through and bitching I've done about crappy shit thats happened to me, thanks guys! Marks outa town with Amanda and girl Alex cause they want to go look at apts in Milwaukee, kinda sucks there moving(no Marks not moving for whoever might have misunderstood) cause we're just getting to know these guys. Got my last check at Holiday, $339! hell yeah, nice chunk of change. Gas is starting to go down which is fucking good, cause I drive a hell of a lot, Paying $20 to fill a 12 gallon tank is pure billshit, I hate corp America, fucking wankers. Anyone care to comment? Come on I know someones got to be reading this!
PS: Rush hour fucking sucks