So We Made This Movie

Dec 16, 2008 22:20

Not THAT kinda movie you pervs

No, a friend of mine through the Wolf Pack Elite is a just for fun film maker and he writes these little shorts that are nonsensical and funny and then he gets his lame ass freinds (us) to make them. This is my acting debut folks. Be gentle.

I Present to you: Patty the Zombie Pirate

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ALSO I would like to point out that I was 100% NOT typecasted in this role. Do you honestly think I would be caught dead acting THIS retarded?

ALSO ALSO I would like to point out that I am the Zombie Consultant on this work. Dawn and I worked on her "movement" and "vocalizations" I asked her to have a hint of sadness. Like a drunkard who's lost a bet.

film, i'm a fucking badass, movies

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