The Epic of Dragon Part 2...Several Months Late

Dec 16, 2008 19:30

I'll leave this at a picture show. With small commentaries. Saturday and Sunday were jammed full of costumes and drinking and Sunday night was the most bad ass party ever. I saw Darth Maul dance shirtless and chatted up Neville Longbottom.

Also David Gareth Lloyd is a manwhore
There is so much to cover SO MUCH. I have to thank my good buddies Dawn and Kyle for most of the pictures. I was too much a spaz to take any pictures Saturday morning was the parade with our zombie ass stomping Resident Evil crew

The Zombies were surprisingly rough

Then we were Marvel Superheroes

Then there was some slaying to do. Faith is way WAY too much fun

and this was all just SATURDAY!!! On to Sunday Which I didn't get too many pictures of.... I can't really remember what we did that day. I'm pretty sure I just lazed about and went celebrity visiting. Then it was the WPE party with awesome VIPs. They guy who plays Neville Longbottom, Michael Rosenbaum, David Gareth Lloyd from Torchwood, Tamoe Pedaket (I have no idea how to spell his name but he's in the background of that picture of me and Tiney), Ray Park, and a bunch of others
 Ray Park

Candid photo

There were quite a few amazing costumes too

made of win, costumes, i'm a fucking badass, dragoncon, wolf pack

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