So I don't post as often as I used to. My company enacted a new online policy that tracks everything you do on the interent and it sucks frankly. So my online time is severely cut back.
I haven't been able to ride for a few months. I messed up my back in may and it got to the point of where I could barely move so I had to give up riding for a while. At least until my back is better. I do physical therepy and have to stretch al the freaking time. It literally is a pain in my ass.
Things are going wonderfully with Rob. He's been traveling alot and I miss him desperately when he's gont but I do my best to not whine or be too much of a pain about it. I know it's for his job and that this is only temp but still. Max gets fussy too when Rob leaves. Right now he's in Portland. Next week he's in Seattle and then next month he's in Chicago. At least he's racking up insane amounts of Marriott points.
This coming week is DragonCon. I never really imagined that I would ever be able to go to such a big convention and never thought I would be able to roll with the big costuming dogs. This is one of the largest conventions in the states and it also is the one that really showcases costuming talent. I am really nervous about my costumes but I received word today that really boosted my ego. I had entered my Queen Gorgo in the Wolf Pack Elite 2008 Costume Contest without any really thought to winning. But my friend Deven called and told me to check online today. I received Best Female Costume. That means that I was the woman with the highest points. HOLY SHIT! Tiney won Judge's Favorite. Congrats to her and all the people that won are amazing artists and costumers. I'm really proud to be among their lists and able to hold my own.
Here are the pictures I submitted.
But I still have ASS LOADS to finish before I leave on Thursday so back to work.
I will be bring the following costumes
Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Chang Sing from Big Trouble in Little China
Queen Gorgo from 300
Rogue from Xmen
UBCS from Resident Evil
and an Original Greed Concept
As is James Marsters and Alan Tudyk. WOOT WOOT!