Crap your pants awesome

May 04, 2008 21:41

So this weekend was so awesome it was off the scale awesome.

Friday I graduated from the University of Central Florida with a BS in Legal Studies. It only took me 7 years of part time/full time school.  But I'm done. It's rather surreal and I don't think I've quite grasped the enormity of it. Rob was an absolute HERO and handled my family for several house. Not a small feat. I managed to tread the stage without tripping and eating it. After the ceremony we went to Stonewood Grll for the eatings. It was a lovely dinner and no one managed to get into a fight. Rob treated me to dinner. which was wonderful of him. My favorite friends Tiney and Lesli came and everything was good.

Saturday was a whirlwind. I had accellerated my Rogue costume by three months to get it done into time to participate in Free Comic Book Day. I was up to 2:30 friday night trying to finish the cloak but I didn't get it done. But I did have the catsuit, hair, gloves and boots done so I wore that and it was SMOKIN! I got up at 8:30 to meet up with the Heroes Alliance at the Florida Hosital for Free Comic Book Day. Basically free comic book day is a national day where comic book stores give out free books. Well the Heroes Alliance is a group that dresses up as iconic comic book characters that are reasonably kid friendly and they go to the hospital to visit sick children. Well I dressed up with them as Rogue and had a BLAST!!! The gent that organized it was a doll and I got to hang out with Batman, Nightwing, Superman (cutes 17 year old kid), dark Spiderman, Kim Possible, Movie Wolverine, Movie Cyclops, Black Canary, Punisher. It was great. Some of the kids were all about it and others kinda freaked out. I felt bad for Batman. He was in a latex muscle suit. It looks exactly like the movie version. The kids were all excited about Superman and then Batman comes in and their terrified. I felt so bad for Carlos (guy in the suit) he handled it well though. I managed to pop a seam in the back and by the end it was probably a 3 inch gap down the center back.  I had to have the nurses patch me up with surgical tape. It was a riot and getting to see so many children was fantastic. When you do this for the kids you're supposed to be that character from the moment you enter the building so I was throwing out the "My name is Rogue, what's yours sugah?" It was great. I would definitely do this again for the Heroes.

Afterwards we went to the Coliseum of Comics to hand out more books. We marched in force from one end of the mall to the other and it was alot of fun. I passed out some books. And had to cut out earily for Marty's graduation lunch. Walking all the way back by myself in a kelly green spandex catsuit through a crowded mall was rather..... interesting. I managed to make it through un harrassed.

Later I went to Marty's graduation dinner which was very nice. It was held at his family's country club that his father is a member of. It was a really nice meal.

After THAT Tiney and I went to a party hosted by one of our Wolf Pack friends and JESUS CHRIST that shit was off the freaking hook. We got there at 8pm and didn't leave until close to 4am. Met up with TJ the guy who organized the Hospital visit and he's a freaking RIOT. One of my new favorite WPE friends. Funny funny guy. I was a superstar at Rock Band and sung Cherub Rock. By the end of the night I was hoarse and had the "Sexy Kathleen Turner rasp" I had maybe two drinks and I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I can't wait for the next get together. Everyone is really welcoming and laid back. Great atmospher.  Khetara (Christine, not asian one) who was one of the hosts and is such a doll purchased me an Ironman figure for my desk as a graduation present.

I have NO idea what Megan was doing.

I did not bring my bathingsuit. Something I'll do next time!
Link to the hospital visit article

Today was recovery.

Pictures from Coliseum of Comics after I left 
PS I totally stole these pictures from Carlos, Megan and Jason.

not disappointments, costumes, rob, wpe, school, life, comics, rogue, heroes alliance

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