Buenvenidos a Miami

Feb 04, 2008 13:00

Took Friday off of work this last week to attend the University of Miami Hunseat show on Saturday. The team drove up on Friday and stayed at the Hampton Inn near Dadeland Mall. We decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory and had to wait for TWO HOURS for a seat for 11 people. All the girls wore their team shirts with our numbers and it was ultra cute. While waiting for two hours we wandered the mall and had a good old time. One of my team mates and I bought pimp hats to wear to dinner and four of us found these GAWD AWFUL dresses at Wet Seal. I tried to convince them to buy the dresses to wear to dinner, but they were on a budget.

This picture is taken in the dressing room at Wet Seal. We're so illegal.

This is my first show since I moved up to a more advanced division. I was rather nervous about it all since generally I managed to draw the psycho horses (you don't bring your own horse to a collegiate show, the draw straws for the horses provided by the host school so it's really anyone's game). The horse I drew this time was amazing. He was a ginormous white Westphalian (German Breed) named Prophet. About an hour before my ride I was joking around that I "prophesized a blue ribbon." He was great, comfortable and not nuts (which was a nice change, usually the horses I ride buck). Long story short I had an AWESOME ride and placed first out of my class of 10.

not disappointments, ihsa, made of win, school, life, horses

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