Livejournal, oh how I've missed you.

Oct 02, 2007 08:34

Things are getting insanely busy at work and school, so thus my love affair with Livejournal and all the friends she has brought me is unfortunately lagging. I wish I had more time!!!

I'm probably going to weed my friends list (not the friends portion, mind you, but the group portion) I have some groups that are just out of control and bog up my friends list making it a choir to see everyone and what they're saying.

In more news, I placed 2nd in my division at the GSU show with one of my team mates taking 1st. Go us! UCF was 7th out of 11 schools so we're moving up in the ranks. The show was nice and the new group of girls this year are great. Our next show is at UF. Unfortunately I can not visit 
armyofchucknesssince the show is actually in Ocala and I'll be coaching it. So I'll have 16 or so girls in my care. Shudder.

Also my Jayne's hat for chuck is coming along FINALLY!!! I had to redo it AGAIN because I realized that I was doing the wrong stitch. I was doing a slip stitch instead of a single crochet which is the correct one. SO it was unraveled AGAIN and I started over. Even if I fuck up this time. I'm finishing this bloody hat. And if it sucks I'll keep it for myself. Chalk it up to a learning experience and make one that doesn't suck for chuck. I also picked out a LOVELY yarn in blue for Rob. I'm going to make him a cap too but nothing as goofy as Jayne's cap.

Now for some enjoyment


friends, ihsa, costumes, life, horses, crochet

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