Last of the Football Players or Mohicans wear Nike

Sep 21, 2007 11:02

I'm not a sports fan by any stretch of the term. About the only sports I'll watch is the Superbowl and that's for commercials and food oriented parties. I thin football stars are overpaid douche bags. Commercials glorifying football as this great struggle I find trite.

But last night something came on the TV that froze me in my tracks....

One of my all time favorite movies/soundtracks is Last of the Mohicans. I could honestly say it's, in my opinion, the best piece of original score ever written. It gets me every time. Trevor Jones' piece de resistance. Every fiber of my being goes into the listening of his music. It pulls at my soul.... blahblahblah I REALLY LOVE IT!

But last night something came on the TV that froze me in my tracks....

Something I hate with something I love and for once, just once, I could glimpse the glory of football. And then it was gone.

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For me, the audio MAKES the visual.

music, tv

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