Jun 22, 2007 10:50
I started dreaming again, which is great.
Last night I dreamed that Lesli, my trainer purchased 1,000 tangerines. And I was arguing with her that she couldn't possibly eat all of them before they went bad.
Also there was a ninja that I was battling. I had a Hatori Hanzo Katana and he had a tanto and he wanted my sword. I don't remember the outcome of that.
My mother was in shark infested waters and I had to pull her out before she was eaten by this big nasty scarred up great white. My mother was completely oblivious. This may be a filtering of real life into my dreams.
Most disturbing, I have had two dreams about male children, that are mine, in the last two weeks. The first one was last week. I had a infant boy. I was laying in bed napping and he was curled up between my arm and my side. My dog sleeps like this. The other was last night. I had a 11 year old and a six year old child. And I remember hugging them, but they didn't know I was their mother because I had hide them from my enemies (I was a ninja remember) and I didn't want them caught up in the mess.
Kinda Kill Billish huh?