Opening Credits: Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
Waking Up: One Lonely Visitor - Chevelle
First Day At School: To the Pirates' Cave! - Klaus Badelt (Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack)
Falling In Love: Tremble For My Beloved - Collective Soul
Breaking Up: Cyber Bird - Ghost in the Shell soundtrack
1st date: Warped - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Prom: Is Anybody Home? - Our Lady Peace
Life's OK: Gethsemane - Nightwish
Driving: Hands on the Bible - Local H
Flashback: Halo - Oleander
Getting Back Together: Temptation - VAST
Wedding: Untitled - Collective Soul
Birth of Child: Gonna Rice - Ghost in the Shell
Final Battle: Comfortably Numb - Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, & Roger Waters
Death Scene: The Wolf - Eddie Vedder (Into the Wild soundtrack)
Funeral Song: Forever Lost - Conjure One
therealluthien said, loltacular.