Quote of the year! Or maybe it was *clenches teeth* ". . . they make them wear expensive clothes . . . "
Whatever it was, they were both great, courtesy of the Mango! So a year ago tomorrow, I went and saw Rent. Rent was great. Rent got a decent rating on RT. The people that were with me when I saw Rent consisted of Liz, Susan and the Mango. It was pretty sweet. I could end this entry right now and say that I "updated" but I could hardly call that an update since no one cares what happened a year ago tomorrow. Let's go forward and talk about yesterday, which also interests no one (except me) but you know what? I'ma tell you, anyway! Sooo . . . what happened yesterday? Liz, the Mango and I decided to head for the Souper! Salad! for some much needed catching up and soup. In true me fashion, I overdid it with the pasta/salad blend also known as phase 1. A rookie mistake, which I have yet to overcome. The topic of discussion was Lost, which comes as no surprise seeing as how by now everyone is caught up and I'm no longer the Lost expert, as much in the dark as everyone else. I think this upsets my Lost converts as they have no one to look to for answers, guidance or hiatus therapy. Although, Liz seems to have befriended a UFO that frequents YouTube. ;) Hmmmm, so yeah, lunch was going great until . . . I don't know . . . something happened. I was working on my order of an extra coney ice cream cone, hold the ice cream when Liz began wailing through the aisles choking and the Mango collapsed in her side of the booth, unable to get up. I made a pathetic attempt to rescue her from her predicament by reaching across the table, all while listening to poor Liz's caCOUGHphony, which acted as the soundtrack of this pitiful scene. Believe me, the image I'm trying to paint for you all was infinitely more pathetic in real life. All social graces had left us, as if eating lunch at a restaurant is too much on our nervous systems and we just started deteriorating into blubbering, pitiful masses. We really should take this show on the road, especially since our test audience (everyone at Souper! Salad!) responded more positively than I thought they would. Which was good. So yeah, one of the better lunches I've had in quite some time. Ahh, what happened next? Oh yeah, then we headed over to Liz's house for a movie watching experience unmatched by any theater. Our choices consisted of something called 'Stick It' (which I'm not even going to look up, it's probably horrible) and a brilliant study on human relationships, told best by marital experts Jennifer Aniston and Vinch Vaughn in the movie 'The Break-up.' WHY?! That's the only thing we had on our minds. WHY?! Why did we watch this movie? After every single unnaturally forced, prolonged exchange between these two idiotic Chicago-natives, we had the urge to just change the channel. We somehow found ourselves too deep into the thing and we were all anticipating a sad ending with no payoff. Surprisingly, there was no make-up in 'The Break-Up!' Score one for the audience when the Hollywood ending didn't come to pass but we cared so little at that point that we could hardly enjoy the misery and lonliness felt by the characters we grew to hate so much. Ahh, well, what a crappy movie. I won't even check the reviews, I know they'll be awful. I bet Ebert and/or Roeper loved it, though, they're the most backward-ass people in the movie-critiquing business. That's right, backward-ass. It's a serious, medical condition. Oh yeah, we also watched the climax (the part that Liz missed) of 'American Dreamz,'. . . dreams with a z. That's all I got out of the movie, actually. We also began the epic story that is 'Titanic' but I remembered I had to beat Liz in air hockey at least once. It didn't happen! I can't believe I lost. But it was so messed up! None of my shots made it in, the goal would just spit it back out. We tried the other table and the damn scoreboard wouldn't keep track of my points. The Mango had the same trouble when we played. Basically, Peter Piper sucks. Seriously, that was crap. Of course Liz will never admit that it took place, which is why it's a good thing the Mango was there! ;) So yeah, Liz beat me. I got lit up, actually. Anyway, then we strolled through the shops like Circuit City and some nearby shoe store, eventually ending up in Barnes & Noble. We discovered what could have been awesome Lost magazines but they were filled with dated information and no insights into the current season, which sucked! A huge disappointment. The best TV show mag was, by far, 'Twin Peaks' 1990 magazine titled 'Wrapped in Plastic,' which comes from the line ". . . she's dead, wrapped in plastic," describing the main character, Laura Palmer. Good show, you should watch! But yeah, Lost magazine sucked. We ended up sitting in a circle and talking about Lost (yet again) only to realize how pointless it all was. No one has any answers! This show is so crazy. After going through some classic car books, the day was just about over. It was certainly nice seeing the two of them again and I did enjoy myself. I'd say on a scale from Jack to Sawyer's chest, the day was a greasy, good time! Wow, take that however you want . . .
Oh and for the insatiable Lost fans out there, a record of the most perplexing questions we may have as of now in IGN's article "Top 50 Lost Loose Ends"
http://tv.ign.com/articles/745/745595p1.html Lata all!