Yeah that admittedly...was a silly thing for DC to do.
I think the Doomsday arc is worth reading because it is a huge, pivotal event in the DC universe, but if you can, borrow it from a library or a friend. It was basically a big publicity stunt on DC's part and it...kinda shows.
Is the Doomsday Arc the once where Superman dies, four different people come back pretending to be him, and the long-haired one with a black suit is the real deal?
Because my dad bought that and I might have had a wee teenage crush on Superboy before he became Con-El/Conner Kent.
Yep, that's the one. XD Admittedly, I got a huge fangirl crush on Clark because of the Doomsday arc. Nothing like death and the spectacle of collective grief to incite fannishness...
Ah, yes, I see that. I thought it was just because of some wierd thing the college computer was doing. The computers at college are a little screwy. 8} Thanks dude.
I'm not as well-read in Conner as Clark, but: I'd recommned Geoff Johns' run of Teen Titans. He's the one who takes credit for Conner's current characterization; and he's done quite a few interesting things with the character, and Conner has a long-running character arc throughout Johns' tenure as writer. In particular, check out the first trade and "The Insiders", which concludes Conner's arc. Also, I'd suggest checking out Peter David's run of Young Justice, the precurser to the Teen Titans. The core team is formed by Conner, Tim Drake (Robin) and Bart Allen (Impulse/Kid Flash). And it's loads of fun. ;)
I think the Doomsday arc is worth reading because it is a huge, pivotal event in the DC universe, but if you can, borrow it from a library or a friend. It was basically a big publicity stunt on DC's part and it...kinda shows.
Because my dad bought that and I might have had a wee teenage crush on Superboy before he became Con-El/Conner Kent.
Also, your reply text is now huuuuuuuuuuuge.
I'm not as well-read in Conner as Clark, but: I'd recommned Geoff Johns' run of Teen Titans. He's the one who takes credit for Conner's current characterization; and he's done quite a few interesting things with the character, and Conner has a long-running character arc throughout Johns' tenure as writer. In particular, check out the first trade and "The Insiders", which concludes Conner's arc. Also, I'd suggest checking out Peter David's run of Young Justice, the precurser to the Teen Titans. The core team is formed by Conner, Tim Drake (Robin) and Bart Allen (Impulse/Kid Flash). And it's loads of fun. ;)
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