Insane Man's Blog About Insane Exercising INSANELY TO THE EXTREME: Blog #1

Jul 11, 2011 02:31

 I've been thinking about it for a while, and now is a good a time as any so I'm starting a blog series about how I exercise.  I just wanted to outline how I started out and how I progressed into the way I work out now.  For now I just want to go over the basics of beginning an exercise regiment and what it means to set goals in terms of exercise.  I don't actually keep a exercise journal, but that;s because I tend to remember a lot of my progress in my head.  I would suggest anyone that starts doing exercise regiment to keep a journal so that you can monitor your progress and see where things can be improved.
Just a disclaimer:  I am not a licensed physician.  I cannot offer authorized medical advice or training advice.  I am merely expressing what works for me in terms of exercising, and how I go about it.  Anything I say that pertains to health, mentality, and how one should go about it are merely my suggestions.  You don't have to follow them if you don't want to.  I simply am expressing my opinion.  What works for me doesn't necessarily work for every body.  Remember that.

Starting Out in Terms of What You Want to Accomplish:
When you want to start out a exercise regiment you have to have a set goal in mind.  What I mean by this is that you need a physically defined goal in mind.  You can't have some vague statement like "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get healthy".  If you have vague goal sets in mind then you're regiment of exercise will be hard to define, and you will lose interest.  When I first started my initial goal set was to be able to perform dips on a regular basis.  Then it became I wanted to be able to do sets of pull-ups.  Now it is that I want to be able to bench as much as a regular football player in a combine.bench press.  The fact of the matter is setting a physical goal gets you into the mind set that there can be a start, and there can be a finish.  You're not just aimlessly wandering from exercise to exercise trying to achieve and undefined goal.  
As I mentioned before in my example, once you achieve you're exercise goal you don't have to stop right there and say you are done.  In fact, I would encourage you to make new, more challenging goals in terms of exercising.  Otherwise, you get bored and begin to slack off the training regiment.  By raising the bar on yourself you continue to upkeep your original progress, further improve many other aspects of yourself.

Targeting What Parts of Your Body to Work Out.:
Now that you have a goal set in mind it is time to determine which exercises will ultimately get you there.  A majority of exercises tend to target a primary muscle, and then work out secondary muscles to a lesser degree.  The point I'm trying to make is that you should culminate a set of different exercises that compliment all the muscles and body parts you would like to work out.  For example, a simple push up would work out your chest muscles, triceps, and your mid to lower back.  To compliment that work out I would add doing bench press to improve chest muscles, and dips to improve back.  My point is, don't think that one exercise is going to solve it all.  You're going to have to group them together to get the full benefits.
This does require a little bit of research both through first and second hand accounts.  Second hand accounts will give you an idea of what actually might work.  Your first hand account will allow you to determine what your own body is capable of.  Something you should keep in mind is that don't neglect the exercise until you try it because you will never know how it will affect your body.  That's also something you should keep in mind about advice in this blog in general: Don't neglect something until you've tried it.

To be Continued......
(Initiating a Regular Gym and Exercise Regiment)
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