So this ALA was alright, but comparatively not as good as previous ones. Some things happened at the con that just disappointed me mostly because I was looking forward to it, by which it got cancelled or I over hyped it for myself. In the end, I just started following the panels of one of the guests of honor - Spike Spencer. At first I thought he was kind of a crazy lunatic voice actor, but as I learned more and more about him through each panel I came to learn a lot from him especially about myself and where my goals should be directed. More on that later.
As for the con atmosphere I would say this years theme I felt was focused more throughout the convention were movies - that is from what I saw. Hell I'm even an accomplice to the theme for cosplaying Summer Wars. Anyways, I saw a lot of movie characters being portrayed, and a lot of soon to be movies sourced from comics:
I got a pic of the Black Swan before the end of the con :)
I didn't realize just how scary the lighting portrayed the girl. Scared me until the sign behind the "7 Days" sign was "The Game" meme :/
Disney Characters from I guess that Tangled movie
Some of my favorite pics of the con:
A comic version of Ramona Flowers from the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels. I would have taken photos of the other cosplayers from Scott Pilgrim if they didn't look so depressing when I found them.
The Dude from the movie "The Big Lebowski" played by Jeff Bridges. I loved this one because he looks so much like the character, and it was sort of like a hit towards all the Tron cosplayers at ALA because Jeff Bridges was also in it. What would have really made my day was if someone dressed up like Jeff Bridges from "True Grit" :P
THe reason I say that the con's theme seemed movie based is from these cosplays and several other ones. Tron seemed like a big theme, and I also saw the Avengers group because the movie is coming out eventually
Cosplays I thought were cool, but did not know where they where from:
I plan to make a different post about my experiences listening to Spike Spencer because I think it would be a little too much for this post.
As for everything else. A lot of my plans either became buzz kills, or fell through. The prop panel this year was a total bore, and I missed a whole lot of things on Friday that I wish I could have gone to because of work. Saturday crapped out because the main band cancelled, and there ended up being no concerts after the very first one. Thus, a 3 hour gap of nothing. Sunday was a little okay, but the primary panel I wanted to go to ended up focusing on New Year's food. Sunday concerts were alright, but not as enticing.
The one thing I got tired of were the Hetalia cosplayers. No offense to those that do cosplay them, but the fandom has sort of gotten out of control to the point where I have become annoyed by them. I could go on and on complaining about it, but lets leave it at they treat it as a costume party rather than a cosplay. Obviously, the same thing has happened with previous fandoms in anime - like Bleach and Naruto - but the treatment of the characters have become offensive to some.
ALA was okay, but I wasn't really able to fully enjoy it as I have in previous years. Hopefully, that might change next year.
As for why I might not sleep. These past two weeks I've constantly have been exposed to advertisements to the game "Dead Space 2" I was intrigued about the game so I bought the first one. In the first ten minutes I nearly pissed myself....Critics were right in saying it's like playing through the movie "Alien"
More on everything later...