Mar 15, 2010 02:12
First off, damn you daylight savings time changes. You've totally screwed me over this year. You give me that extra hour when I didn't need it (when I was jobless), and now take that hour when I do need it. Ugh
Anyways, I bought Final Fantasy 13. Love the story, and I love the new combat system setup. Only beef I have is that the exploration aspect is too linear. I had the same beef with Final Fantasy X. Whatever. The story intrigues me.
I want to buy a mountain bike soon so I can go biking around LA like I did a few months ago. Fun and good exercise. I might get one as soon as next week.
This will be my first time where people have spring break and I don't.
Makes me kinda jealous because I am reminded of that day after day since I happen to work at college. I wonder how it's going to be tomorrow morning. The only problem I have with it is that I can't hang out with anyone since they're all gone.
Plus side, no long lines for the food courts this week.
BTW, FFXIII is a major factor in my procrastination