Aug 27, 2004 18:14
out with the guys....and the guys are out with the ladies
Yep. And...I don't really have any kind of emotion about that...for now haha. Well, I sorta feel for Andrew like I felt about Brad's away message yesterday....happy for him I guess. *shrugs*
If...he hadn't upset me, and if I didn't have a kindasortaIdon'treallyknowwhatyou'dcallitcrushtypething on that other guy, then I'd probably be upset by that, but I'm not, so it's ok.
I've had an emotional day, though. I haven't felt well today. My chest has been hurting some, I've had a horrible headache (its better now, not as bad) and I've been exhausted. I was really upset at my mom, because yesterday she yelled at me a lot and made me feel like, really stupid. I've felt lately like she's really hurt my self esteem big time, and in my head I'm always telling myself that I suck at life, which isn't a good thing to be telling yourself. She made me cry yesterday and thinking about it today made me almost cry. I've felt really discouraged and it's not going to get better. Like she's going to continue to upset me all the time and bring my self esteem really really really low, and I was thinking about how I wanted to talk to a friend about it, but then I was like "no, I should talk to God" so I did, briefly, and I feel better about it, and realized my mom isn't a horrible mom in every way, she's a good mom. She takes care of me when I'm not feeling well and other things, so I need help with my attitude towards her. Even if she's not treating me right, I need to have a positive attitude towards her. It's hard. Such is life.