Wed, 12:06: RT @ howardtayler: The GenCon Chair project made a great leap forward this morning when I clamped my old mic boom to the side-table, and put…
Wed, 12:10: RT @ pugsteady: Somehow we've gotten from HOLY SHIT OGL to HOLY SHIT D&D IS CREATIVE COMMONS to HOLY SHIT A D&D MOVIE IS ACTUALLY GOOD to HO…
Wed, 13:18: RT @ GoAngelo: So, Fox News execs kept a record of HR violations, misconduct and otherwise fireable offenses…and instead of doing anything a…
Wed, 13:21: RT @ GrudgingSignup: @ shaun_vids I really have to start checking the replies before I fire up Frinkiac 😑 Oh well, who wants to be the fourt…
Wed, 13:25: RT @ tismoonie: Sometimes, cultural differences can make it harder for us to understand how someone else might perceive something, but its i…
Wed, 13:28: RT @ allyngibson: How could #StarTrekPicard Season 3 deny us the return of Star Trek: The Next Generation's two most important characters, M…
Wed, 13:28: RT @ allyngibson: William Riker 100% wore the skant, even if we never saw him do so on TNG, and I will die on that hill.
Wed, 13:29: RT @ NateB_Panic: The quicker we forget the pandemic the quicker we forget how easy it was for governments to ban evictions, forbid creditor…
Wed, 13:29: RT @ NewsGirlRachel: Traffic camera revenue is down, because drivers get used to knowing where the cameras are, and change habits. Now, the…
Thu, 11:48: RT @ dixonij: Sure wasn't expecting to start my day filing a police report and auto claim for someone smashing the rear window and grabbing…