The Office of Britannia - an annual return

Sep 16, 2007 21:41

i have a lot of habits. oddly they have no course of action or schedule, so not so much "habit" as in a definite chance of such things happening. also, the ones that come to mind the most occur seasonally. for instance, my need to view "The Office" UK, in a marathon day, has happened every fall since 2003.

it helps that i've been on a kick of watching the U.S. version alot whenever i've been back home. whenever i have free time, i pop in a DVD and watch a couple episodes.

both series have their strengths and weaknesses, and both are excellent for separate reasons.

but it hits me every time i get to the end of the The Office UK Specials that the tim/dawn love story is probably the most beautiful and romantic depiction of falling in love that i've seen in contemporary film & tv.

i get to that warm-hearted, tears-in-the-eyes place every time without fail. the way the show teases with false ends and unrequited interactions between the two simply builds more and more expectation. and, in all honesty, it just delivers on everything promised in the end.

i think it helps that we're talking about two series, 6 episodes each, and 2 specials that add up to a 90-minute epilogue. that's a heavily condensed series. but it works because it is only following David, Gareth, Tim, and Dawn really. while there are featured side characters, they don't delve into the characterizations that The Office U.S. does. the extras on there are nearly as rounded as the main characters, mainly to fill 22-30 episodes a season, which the UK traditionally doesn't do with comedy series.

and the U.S. version has been doing a good job developing the Jim/Pam romance. it's going places but it hasn't reached the climax of the British series', so it feels underdeveloped in comparison. i have no doubt it will either go in a completely fresh direction, as was hinted in Season 3, or it's going to deliver in the same way the UK's did.

anyway, i was feeling touched. so i wanted to say how much i admire The Office's writing and love story.

- greggles
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